Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Host Family

       This is my third host family in the U.S. It is not easy to find a really nice host family for international students. Fortunately, I found this pretty nice host family a couple of months ago. My first host family was a young couple. They are nice people, but they had never cooked for me even though I paid  them. I moved out because I could not stand that I ate sandwiches for three months. The second host family was an old Philippines couple. I also moved out because I did not feel comfortable in their house. Then, I found this host family from the internet, and I moved in a couple of months ago. There are six people in this family now, including me and my host mother, her three children, and another home stay student. They cook really good food, and they treat me like their family. I feel really comfortable living with them, and I feel very lucky that I found a home in the U.S.


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